How You Can Help Families whose children have cancer?
Felix is an incredible full of life boy that is only
2 ½ years old and diagnosed with Cancer.
2 ½ years old and diagnosed with Cancer.
The family for an extreme extended period
of time is daily going to be with Felix.
This poses a problem of how to sustain
the many expenses outside of the hospital and
extended time away from work for the family.
of time is daily going to be with Felix.
This poses a problem of how to sustain
the many expenses outside of the hospital and
extended time away from work for the family.
I reach out to you all if it is possible to help the
family of baby Felix with a small donation.
This fund will be used responsibly by the family
to assist with the many expenses.
family of baby Felix with a small donation.
This fund will be used responsibly by the family
to assist with the many expenses.
We thank you for your time and concern.
Escrito & Publicado por ©Gris Félix - 2011
Todas las fotos personales & videos son propiedad de:
Todas las fotos personales & videos son propiedad de:
©Gris & Rick's Productions.
©CHINITO's Fight With Leukemia
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Si te pertenece alguna imagen o interfiere con los derechos del autor,
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